2021年2月18日 香港海洋公園保育基金 – 關心妍召喚保育英雄 完整版

【親親小狐獴與大象龜  關心妍召集一眾保育英雄‼】
#氣候變化​ 令世全球多個物種以至人類都面對唔同挑戰。已為人母嘅歌手 Jade Kwan 關心妍 ???? 雖然平日家庭事業兩邊兼顧,但仍然相當關心保育議題,而且亦非常支持香港海洋公園保育基金嘅工作。Jade近日就應 #保育基金​ 邀請,成為「 #保育英雄支援計劃​ 」嘅首位「#星級保育英雄​」。除咗專程嚟到 #香港海洋公園​ 探望佢喺計劃中所揀選嘅動物大使 #小狐獴​ 以及喺園區內嘅鄰居 #大象龜​ 外,Jade更向動物護理員了解呢兩個物種嘅生活習慣,同面對緊嘅威脅 ????‼

Jade正召集大家一齊成為「#保育英雄​」,以低至每日HK$3.3嘅捐款加入「保育英雄支援計劃」,同Jade攜手 支持保育基金喺亞洲區內嘅 #科研項目​ 資助同 #本地海洋生物擱淺行動​ 等工作 ????????

【Meet the Meerkat and Giant Tortoise ???? Jade Kwan Calling for Conservation Hero‼】
Climate change is threatening all kind of species. Jade Kwan ???? who is a singer and a mother cares about conservation issues despite her busy schedule. In order to show her support to our conservation work, Jade has become the first celebrity Conservation Hero ???? of OPCFHK’s Conservation Hero Support Programme ???????? ! She even paid a visit to her supported species meerkats as well as their neighbours giant tortoises at Ocean Park, and to learn about their living habits and threats ????‼ they are facing from their trainer.

Jade is inviting you to join the Conservation Hero Support Programme too! By donating as little as HK$3.3 per day, you can contribute to our conservation efforts, including funding research projects in Asia and local marine life stranding response programme

✅ 詳情及捐款請瀏覽 Donate to support Conservation Hero Support Programme ➡

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